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PCU Visa

Why Should I Get a PCU Visa Card?

1. Part of the greater Credit Union System
Through the Illinois Credit Union League you can be sure your Visa purchases benefit the wider Credit Union community, our credit card supports Credit Unions.

2. PCU receives a portion of income derived from your Visa Card use
As your local Permaculture Credit Union you can be assured a portion of the profits from your Visa Card will be re-invested in local permaculture projects and investments.

3. Using the PCU Visa Card promotes the philosophy of Permaculture
Using your PCU Visa Card helps bring the word “Permaculture” into the general vocabulary and raises consciousness about sustainability.

4. The PCU Visa Card benefits our members
Members will benefit from the growth of PCU income through the Visa Cardprogram. You will also benefit from the ability of PCU to set our own interestrates once we have enough card carriers to bring the program in house.

For more information:
Call toll free 1-888-415-6154

Click here to apply for the PCU Visa Online


Access your PCU Visa here >>>


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